777 Charlie’s pooches on pan-India road trip

Date: March 12, 2020

In The News

Team 777 Charlie has been busy travelling all around the country, and wrapping up one schedule after another. Speaking to us from Amritsar, director Kiranraj K shares, “We are currently shooting in Punjab, which is part of a 15-day schedule that includes other locations such as Gujarat and Rajasthan. With this, we complete close to 65% of the film, and will head back to Bengaluru. In April, the team will travel to Kodaikanal, Shimla, and conclude at Kashmir. We are looking at wrapping up the shoot by the first week of May.” This travel-heavy schedule might seem daunting to many, and here’s a good place to remind you that an adorable dog is at the crux of this movie’s narrative. And the team is working round-the-clock to ensure that the pooches playing the canine protagonist are properly pampered. “In all, three ‘Charlies’ travel with us. We’ve had them since they were puppies. Even prior to the shoot, we would take them on outings, so that they get accustomed to travelling. And they absolutely love it! The moment the shot is ready, and the main pup that plays Charlie spots the vehicle that she and Rakshit Shetty’s character in the film travel, she jumps straight into the side car, raring to go,” shares Kiranraj. Apart from this, the team has also transformed a car into an air-conditioned caravan for the dogs to chill in. “Each location has varying climatic conditions. So, to ensure that the dogs don’t bear the brunt of it, the caravan is set up at the location before the dogs are flown in with us,” he adds.

Given that the Coronavirus scare is a concern for any traveller, across the country and the world, this movie team is alert and keeping a close eye on the news. “All the primary safety measures are in place. We are equipped with masks and have basic medical kits. We are staying up-to-date on the news, keeping note of where the cases are cropping up, and altering our schedules accordingly. For instance, recently, few cases were recorded near Bikaner, Rajasthan, and we changed our travel plans promptly. We are adapting on the go, and, thankfully, everyone has remained hale and hearty,” the filmmaker signs off.